Wednesday, 11 July 2007

So long...

Well, it has been a long year and I must say i quite enjoyed myself!
I learnt lots of interesting subjects, deepened my yet small Linux knowledge and also started this blog (which is starting to receive some comments! :o )

Now though i need some vaction at the seaside!!! Since i deliberately won't have internet access (let's say i need some deintoxicating) for a few months it is very unlikely that this blog will be updated!

don't fear! I'm leaving you with something to read in the meantime! the webcomics i read!

Slightly Damned - One of the best! It's the story of a jakkai who is sent to the hell, but she's not evil enough and thus she's only slyghtly damned; so she's put in a sort of limbo where encounter an unlikely daemon, Buwaro! Together they manage to escape from hell and as soon as they put foot on earth they have to save an angel... very funny story and witty humor! I love the artstile very much! -> link

Dragon Tails - group of dragons in our mother time! It has a very funny comic strips! Nowadays it's moved to dealing with rpgs, done in completely new 3D artwork. -> link

VG Cats - does this really need a presentation? very nice parodies from the world of videogames! -> link

Ace of Abra - story of a pokemon trainer which is sent here and there to battle with his friend! Not at all bad, since it adds something to the anime it's lacking of... MATURITY! go and check yourself :o) -> link

F@nboy$ - again from the world of videogames, a fanboy for each platform! not the best for drawings but very nice strips all the same! -> link

Kevin & Kell - one of the oooldest DAYLY webcomic still running! very interesting characters and even difficult topics treated always with humor. -> link

obviously i read some other comics but i believe that for now you have some material to look at :P maybe in the future we'll complete this list, ok?

So happy holidays to everyone :)

Saturday, 7 July 2007

the very first one

I'm posting today the short i directed some time ago and published on youtube!
You'll find also the backstage, that it's almost better the the short itselft!


no people or animals were harmed in the production of these two shorts

Friday, 6 July 2007

This is "WoW"

we started this last session with 3 exams left...

then they were soon 2

after a while they became just 1

and today... none left!!!
that means... GRADUATION

yep, that unbelievable, but there it is! Engineer in Computer Science! sounds good :D

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

new Art

nothing big today :)
just an update of my deviantArt profile!
4 new photos were uploaded!

here, take a look

All the projects here are under a Creative Commons 3.0 licence! You can use and distribute them as you like (just quote the author so he knows his work is not useless)!

If you wish to get in touch with me write at